Delicious Bulgarian Cuisine
Bulgarian Cuisine is very rich in Meat and Dairy products.
You will find that some of the Bulgarian Recipes bear a strong resemblance to Greek and Turkish dishes like Moussaka and Baklava.
Bulgaria is famed for their yoghurts and cheese.
Their cheese is absolutely delicious made from either cow, goats or buffalo milk, each with their own distinct flavour.
The one thing you have to try when visiting Bulgaria is the goat’s milk ice cream, mmmm gorgeous.
Below I have included some of the best known Bulgarian Recipes and some side dishes that I use to go with these delicious recipes.
These recipes are lovely accompanied by a Beautiful bottle of
Bulgarian wine which is very
inexpensive but excellent quality.
700g veal knuckle or breast, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1/2 a celery, 2 potatoes, 2tomatoes, 50g butter, parsley, pepper, horse-radish, vinegar, Salt.
Cut the meat into pieces, place in cold water and bring to the boil, Salt and simmer together with the chopped carrots, onion, celery and parsley. When tender, add the potatoes, and after 20min add the finely sliced tomatoes add the butter when nearly ready. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and pepper. Add the vinegar and salt to the horse radish and add to the soup according to taste.
Ingredients for 4:
4 spring onions, 4 medium size tomatoes, half a cucumber, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, olives (optional)chopped parsley, feta cheese salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil.
Chop all ingredients in slices or cubes, season with salt, pepper, add the chopped parsley, 1 tbls of vinegar and 2 tbls of olive oil, mix well add the feta cheese.
TIPS: Serve with homemade crusty bread.
MISH-MASH (There are many different varieties of this dish)
3 medium tomatoes, 3 red peppers, 1 onion, 2-3 tbls oil, 200 g of feta cheese, 3 eggs, chopped parsley salt and pepper to taste.
Chop all the ingredients into small pieces, heat the oil and add the onions, then the peppers and tomatoes, cook for about 3-5 minutes then add the cheese, eggs and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.
TIPS: Can be eaten with toast or as I like, sliced garlic potatoes.
Slice potatoes and par boil for about 10 mins or until slightly tender, place on a baking sheet, crush about 4-5 garlic cloves depending on taste and mix with olive oil, drizzle over the potatoes and season to taste, pop in a preheated oven 190C for about 10-15 mins.
TIPS: For a bit of a kick I like to use chilli oil and a few chopped chillies.
PORK KAVARMA (A traditional Bulgarian dish)
3/4 kg tender loin of pork, 2tbls oil (chilli infused olive oil is nice), 4-5 leeks (finely chopped), 1 tbls tomato paste, 1 tsp paprika, 1tsp black pepper, 1/3 of a cup of red wine, 1 onion, 1 tsp parsley, 1 small chilli.
Chop the meat and brown it in the oil.
Take it out of the pan and leave. In the same oil, fry leeks add salt, tomato paste, paprika and pepper. Pour in 1/2 a cup of water and add the wine and then the meat.Let it stew on a low heat until the juice has thickened. Sprinkle with chopped onions, parsley and the chopped and deseeded chilli.
TIPS: Serve with boiled new potatoes, rice, homemade bread or my favourite is garlic mushrooms.
4 tbls of Olive Oil, 2 Finely Chopped Cloves of Garlic, 1 lb (450g) Thinly Sliced Mushrooms, 2oz (55g) Pine Nuts, 4 tbls of Dry Sherry, 1 Lemon, Salt, Ground Black Pepper, 1 Tablespoon Finely Chopped Parsley
Sauté the chopped garlic add the sliced mushrooms, the pine nuts and sherry.
Cook for 3 to 5 mins, add the juice of the lemon, a pinch of salt, Ground black pepper then add the parsley.
If you try any of these recipes let us know how you got on or if you have a favourite of your own send it in and we will publish it on our site for other viewers to try.
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